All Education is Special Education

The article talks about how to normalize educating autistic children in normal schools rather than isolated environments, and how we can boost their integration in society rather than reducing them as a burden.
Examples and Signs of Gaslighting and How to Respond

This article talks about the psycho-emotional form of abuse that is called gaslighting, and elaborates on how it takes effect on a person. Reading about gaslighting can prove helpful in preventing others from taking advantage of someone through it.
A Stress-friendly Lifestyle

This article talks about managing physical health to boost mental health, which in turn helps in managing stress.
Exam Stress

The article expands on how to manage examination stress and anxiety, along with tips on how to manage your syllabi into understanding properly.
Coping with Anxiety

Read about what anxiety is, what causes it and how we can cope it. Article by
Doing What Matters in Times of Stress: An Illustrated Guide

Doing What Matters in Times of Stress is a WHO stress management guide for coping with adversity. This illustrated guide supports implementation of WHO’s recommendation for stress management. This guide is for anyone who experiences stress, ranging from parents and other carers to health professionals working in dangerous situations. It is for both people who flee war, losing all they have, and well protected people living in communities at peace. Anyone living anywhere can experience high levels of stress.
I withered and bloomed again – this time with more courage

NOVEMBER 25, 2021 • SIMRAN PANDITA • FEMALE • 21 • JAMMU It’s Ok To Talk is a safe space to share your experiences with mental health, mental illness and wellbeing. Website link –
Bullied As A Teenager, I Felt The Need To Talk About Mental Health. This Is How I Started My Own Youth Organization

It’s Ok To Talk is a safe space to share your experiences with mental health, mental illness and wellbeing. Visit their website and have a look!