A Tech Mahindra Foundation Initiative

Unbottle Emotions

@unbottleemotions_: This is the extension of @lightupei. Their instagram page talks about anger management, negative emotions, EI, therapies, Mental health awareness, lgbtq, social emotional learning, impact of online education, etc.

Princy Saini

@getmetherapy: It is a service that helps people to get therapy. Their instagram page talks about anxiety, depression, burnout, relationships, children, anxiety, emotional intelligence, psychology, abuse, bullying, negative emotions like guilt, etc. They often make reels based on the topics above and the things they say can be really satisfying.

Social-Emotional Learning and the Brain by Marilee Sprenger

Today’s teachers face a daunting challenge: how to ensure a positive school experience for their students, many of whom carry the burden of adverse childhood experiences, such as abuse, poverty, divorce, abandonment, and numerous other serious social issues. Spurred by her personal experience and extensive exploration of brain-based learning, author Marilee Sprenger explains how brain science, what we know about how the brain works, can be applied to social-emotional learning.

Emotional First Aid by Guy Winch

Prescriptive and unique, Emotional First Aid is essential reading for anyone looking to become more resilient, build self-esteem, and let go of the hurts and hang-ups that are holding them back. We all sustain emotional wounds. Failure, guilt, rejection, and loss are as much a part of life as the occasional scraped elbow. But while we typically bandage a cut or ice a sprained ankle, our first aid kit for emotional injuries is not just understocked, it’s nonexistent.

It’s Okay Not To Be Okay

This video is a good form of validation for people going through stressful experiences and mental health issues, with the phrase “It’s okay not to be okay”, and that sometimes, people just need to listen and not give solutions right then and there.

Mental Health Wellness Tips

The video talks about strategies and wellness tips on improving mental health and how we can apply them in various aspects we go through in our daily life.